Moromi Recipes

Create memorable meals for your family, friends, and guests!

James Wayman James Wayman

Grilled Ribeye & Moromi Miso Caesar with radishes & herbs

Place all ingredients except oil into a food processor and blend until all ingredients are incorporated, approximately 30 seconds, then slowly drizzle in oil until it's gone.

Set aside. Dressing will keep for at least a week in the fridge.

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James Wayman James Wayman

Lemon, Garlic & Shoyu Wings

Lemon, garlic and shoyu wings

Mix all ingredients together and marinate wings for at least an hour or up to 3 hours. Grill over medium heat until caramelized and cooked through turning every five minutes for about twenty minutes. Enjoy!

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Guest User Guest User

Shoyu, Ginger & Garlic Eggs ft. Moromi

This recipe for Shoyu, Ginger & Garlic Eggs feature Bob Florence’s artisanal shoyu brand, Moromi. They are so simple that the hardest part is boiling the eggs!

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Robert Florence Robert Florence

Braised Pork Belly

When I first started traveling to China years ago, I had dinner at the venerable Lou Wai Lou restaurant along the shore of West Lake in Hangzhou where they served a delicious, braised pork belly (dong po rou) cooked in a little clay pot.

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Robert Florence Robert Florence

Three Cup Chicken

When I was working in the electronics industry in China years ago, many of my suppliers were from Taiwan. At lunch time we’d take a walk across the massive industrial campus to the company’s in-house cafeteria and settle in for meetings over a meal.

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