Grandma's Brisket with a jolt of Moromi Umami, buttery squash puree and frozen peas , because they're good

(Serves 6)


  • One 4-5lb Beef Brisket Flat End

  • 1/2 C Moromi Shiro Miso

  • One and a half large onions cut to thick juliene

  • 4 Carrots peeled and cut into rings

  • 1/2 Stick butter

  • 2 Bay leaves

  • 1/2 C cider vinegar

  • 1C Ketchup

  • 1C Beef stock

  • 2 C water

  • 4 tbsp shoyu

  • Salt and pepper to taste


At least 6hrs and up to 12 hours before cooking, rub brisket with 1/2 C Moromi miso and refrigerate until an hour before cooking when you will want to bring the meat to room temperature, wipe off excess miso with a spatula, reserving for later. Then season with coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper. Preheat the oven to 275. On the stovetop at medium low heat melt the butter until it just foams. Carefully sear the brisket on both sides until brown and remove from the pan. Then add to the pan, onions and carrots and slowly sweat lightly seasoned with salt until the onions are translucent with no color. Now add the rest of the ingredients and the reserved miso to the pan mixing well. Return beef to the pan, put on the lid and place in the oven. After 3 hours remove meat from the pan, slice across the grain into 3/4 inch thick slices. Return to the pan and continue to cook for another 45 minutes to 1 hr until meltingly tender. Serve with squash puree, pan juices and peas. Recipe for squash below.

Buttery Squash Puree Ingredients:

  • One large or two medium butternut squash

  • 1/2 stick butter

  • 2 tbsp Moromi Miso

  • Salt to taste

  • 1/4 tsp Moromi Fermented Cayenne sauce


Preheat oven to 450. Place the squash whole on a baking sheet covered in parchment. Bake 45 minutes to one hour until easily pierced with a skewer or knife. Cool, cut in half long ways. Scoop out seeds and discard. Then scoop out flesh, put in a food processor with remaining ingredients, puree and season with salt.

Frozen Peas Ingredients:

  • One bag frozen peas

  • 1 tbsp butter

  • salt and a lot of coarsely ground black pepper


Place all ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir continuously until heated through.


Pork Tenderloin with Cranberries


Braised Beef Roast with Moromi Shiro Miso Red Wine, Prunes and Parsnip Puree