Moromi Recipes

Create memorable meals for your family, friends, and guests!

James Wayman James Wayman

Grilled Ribeye & Moromi Miso Caesar with radishes & herbs

Place all ingredients except oil into a food processor and blend until all ingredients are incorporated, approximately 30 seconds, then slowly drizzle in oil until it's gone.

Set aside. Dressing will keep for at least a week in the fridge.

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James Wayman James Wayman

Lemon, Garlic & Shoyu Wings

Lemon, garlic and shoyu wings

Mix all ingredients together and marinate wings for at least an hour or up to 3 hours. Grill over medium heat until caramelized and cooked through turning every five minutes for about twenty minutes. Enjoy!

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James Wayman James Wayman

Shiro Miso & Charred Ramp Burgers

Start a fire or your gas grill and create a nice base of coals. Quickly grill ramps until lightly charred. Cool, chop finely and mix into burger meat along with miso and chili Moromi sauce. Form into two 8oz patties, season with coarse salt and pepper and cook to your liking. Serve as you would your favorite burger. Enjoy!

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James Wayman James Wayman

Roasted butternut squash ginger and miso soup

In a soup pot, gently cook celery, onions and ginger in the avocado oil, season with salt and cook until tender without color. Chop up roasted squash, skin and all and add with cooking liquid to sweated vegetables. Add more water just to cover. Bring to gentle simmer for 30 minutes. Then blend until smooth with Moromi miso, honey, Moromi fermented cayenne sauce and salt to taste.

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